In 7 days my little Punky Jr. will be 7 months old! I can hardly believe how fast 2012 is going. It really is true that time seems to speed up when you become a parent. There is so much to enjoy, so many little "firsts" that happen in the first couple of years that it makes time seem to whiz by. There is so much love in our house right now and it is amazing.
We are also on the final stretch of a home remodel, and I am going to do a major happy dance when it is all finished! My hubby has been doing an amazing job, but I know that he is going to celebrate as well when it is all finished and he can relax a bit.
In the midst of everything Punky Jr. continues to grow and the milestones continue to happen. She rolls over quite a bit now (95% of the time she waits till no one is looking though), she can sit up (in the tripod position) and is getting stronger at sitting straight up. Her legs are quite strong and we think in just a few months she will be walking. She isn't much of a crawler, because she isn't a fan of being on her tummy, but that is ok. She loves to eat and so far she eats just about everything we let her try! I love how adventurous she is with food at this stage.
To top it off, her love is evident in her smiles, giggles and all the cuddles she freely gives out everyday, to anyone. I am savoring these moments because I know that much too soon she will be older and not want to cuddle all the time, and someday (FAR FAR) in the future she will have a family of her own and won't even be around to cuddle.
For now I am enjoying having a sweet, funny, giggly, cuddly, oh so smart little Snowflake in my house. I may not get the house as clean as I'd like as quickly as I'd like, but the house and the dust bunnies are not going anywhere, and my little Snowflake, miss Punky jr. is growing up and this mommy cherishes cuddles and giggles more than a dust free mantle or shiny bath tub faucet.
Take time to just BE with your family, to enjoy the love and camaraderie of togetherness. Too many things draw us away from each other, so make today (or as soon as y'all are together) a family day.
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