Purchasing Joyfully After All

If you want to purchase a copy of my book just go to www.amazon.com and type in Joyfully After All. You will be able to purchase either the Kindle or the paperback versions. Happy reading and thank you for supporting women learning to claim victory and joy over rape!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Vow is a Vow

With my Daddy!

If you are married and have been for more than a few weeks you have probably argued with your spouse. As much as we love our spouses it is a fact of marriage that there will be disagreements. There will be some times of discord. There will also be the major times when Satan is throwing you everything he has and trying to get you to disregard the vows that you made on your wedding day.

A wedding vow is not just a few words you say that sound pretty. It is not just a whim. A vow is an unbreakable promise. It is a very serious matter. Satan has done a marvelous job convincing people of the opposite. Marriage is disposable these days. If things are getting tough Satan says "Why are you sticking around? Divorce is pretty easy in America. Save yourself and get out."

Give your marriage time and you will probably experience a true testing of your commitment. I know that we have in my marriage. It isn't easy. The easy way out is to say "I'm through", but before you do that, take a step back and take time to seek God and to seek His help. Look at your family and decide what is in the best interests of my family?

Now, if you are in an abusive situation I'm all for seeking help and escaping the abuse. If it is due to marital unfaithfulness, a feeling of growing distance between you and your spouse, or you just don't feel the same "spark" you did in the beginning, those are all things that can be worked through. Both spouses have to want to work through them though.

There was a reason why you married him/her. You can regain those old feelings. Yes, it may be hard. Yes, there may be a LOT to forgive and move past. But it is possible. Yes, people who know the situation may say "Why did he stick around? After what she did, I'd be out of there so fast." Yet, what a testimony you would have by sticking around and saying "Yes, I was hurt by what He did. But together we reconciled, we gave our selves and our marriage to God. We put His will and our children in the forefront and now our marriage that was once sitting on the sand getting eroded by the waves is rooted in the bedrock."

Today as we celebrate the fathers in our lives let us not forget to celebrate our Heavenly Father, who gave us life, gives us peace and is there watching over us, our children and our marriages. Let this Father's Day also be a day where you reflect on your vows, where you dedicate yourself anew to our Heavenly Father. Make it a a day of marital and family celebration.


A personal thank you to my Dad who set (and continues to live) a great Christian life. He loves my mom and he loves us and I have so many wonderful memories with him and look forward to many more and to being there as Papa and Punky jr. make memories together. Also, to my husband- I love you Babe and I love watching you with our daughter. She is so blessed to have you as her daddy. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Like a Child

As a mom it is my job to protect, guide, discipline and lead my daughter. God has entrusted Punky jr. to our care, we are her teachers, her parents. Yet, everyday she teaches me so much. By watching Punky jr. grow up and go about her days I am learning why Jesus told us that we needed to have the faith of a child.

My child instinctively trusts that mom and dad will keep her safe. She trusts that we will feed her, clothe her, entertain her and love her. Part of this is because so far we always have. When she is in pain we try to help her feel better. When she is hungry we feed her. When she is frightened we pick her and comfort her till she is happy again (or asleep). Because we have proven to be able to take care of her, she trusts us.

That is how God is. He is our loving Father. As Father he has fed us, clothed us, provided us shelter, he guides us, disciplines us and leads us (it is our choice to follow or not). He has never let us down, so just like my daughter instinctively trusts us, I need to trust God with that same faith.

One other lesson that Punky jr. has taught me is that it is ok to cry. Each tear we cry is a prayer that goes straight to God's heart. Just as Punky jr's tears go straight to mine. It is a sign that we need comfort. We live in a fallen, unfair, horrible world. What was once perfect is polluted by sin and sorrow. God knows this, even Jesus wept (not just cried but wept) in sorrow. It is OK to cry. Crying is a release, it is honest. Crying won't last forever, eventually those tears turn into smiles as we trust in God's comfort. Just as Punky jr cries for awhile and then Mom and Dad can fix it and she doesn't cry anymore. God is there wanting to fix our tears.

Our God is many many things, and it is important to recognize that. One of His traits that He emphasizes in the Bible is that He is our Father. He loves us, just as we love our children. He wants our honesty our sincerity, just as we value the sincere expressions of our babies. Faith like a child is the most mature, honest faith there is.


-I just love Mandisa, her lyrics are amazing and speak to me. This song Just Cry tries in well with today's post. Enjoy-


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baby Steps

I thought that I was somewhat prepared for motherhood, and in many ways I was and in a plethora of ways I was not. I grew up around children of all ages. I love children and who (with a heart) does not love babies!?! I have a lot of experience as a child care provider (nanny, babysitter, cousin, aunt, etc) but experience can only prepare you so much. 

Experience has taught me many things I need to know: how to feed my child, what to feed my child, how to burp, bathe and change my child. I have learned many tricks to calm a fussy baby, to entertain baby and to help baby grow and develop. Experience taught me that babies grow and change quickly.

Experience did NOT teach me just how much I would love my lil Snowflake or how hard it would be to leave her in God's hands and not worry all the time. I find myself worried EVERY night. I am turning into THAT mom. I am turning into the mom that checks on her baby 5 times a night because I am afraid something is wrong if I don't hear her snoring over the monitor (I don't even really need the monitor she is right across the hall). I worry that she is too warm or too cold. 

I don't want to be THAT MOM! I want to be the mom that takes care of her child(ren), that showers them with love and discipline, that helps them grow in a nurturing way. I want to be a godly example to my children, and letting myself worry about EVERYTHING is not godly. Worry says to God "I don't trust you". I do trust God and I know that my worry isn't going to change anything. She is ultimately in God's hands whether I surrender myself to that knowledge or not. 

So, I am taking baby steps and slowly learning that being a mom is a privilege, joy and stressful. Being a mom is so much fun (but also exhausting). Being a mom is many things, but it should not be a life full of worry. I am taking baby steps to remind myself to pray every time I get worried, to remind myself that I do know what I am doing as a mom, I have a good support system of fellow moms and even more I serve the living God that loves me and loves my little Snowflake.

Just as the little Snowflake is taking baby steps every day in her growth and development, I too am taking baby steps in my growth as a mom, and it feels great! 


Monday, June 4, 2012

It's THAT Time...

The wee hours of the morning and Punky jr and I are rocking in the glider. Finally she falls back asleep, though it is a fitful sleep and can't be very restful. It is night 4 of the same thing--very little sleep for mommy and daughter. The time is upon us--TEETHING TIME! Yes, those nasty masses of calcium are forcing their way through her gums looking for the surface.  She can't escape it, she can only survive it.

On the mommy side it is hard to watch your child suffer and not be able to do much. I can give her stuff to chew on, I can numb her gums and give her some medicine but in the end nothing really seems to help and it is just a stage that we have to get through. Being an adult I know that on the other side the teeth will come in handy and that eventually this will pass and she will feel better again, but it is hard to watch.  The good news is that while it is not much fun right now, this isn't something she will remember when she is older.

The other part of teething is the lack of sleep! It is long hours of cuddling and walking around. It is worry and stress. So, one would think that once baby is asleep Mommy would try to catch some z's as well. Well, I haven't totally learned my lesson. Last night I was up engrossed in the pages of a fun thriller! It was enjoyable time and I haven't had as much time to read as I used to. Still, it means for another tired day only this time I can't blame the darn teeth!

May y'all have a blessed Monday and get some rest tonight!!!